Interviews by Susan Kelly-Dewitt
- “A Spirit-Handshake: Kjell Espmark“ Poetry Flash, interview by Susan Kelly De-Witt”
- “A Conversation With Bei Dao” Perihelion, Issue 6 (No More Tears), interview by Susan Kelly De-Witt
- “Walter Pavlich” Perihelion, Issue 5 (The Phoenix), interview by Susan Kelly De-Witt
Reviews by Susan Kelly-Dewitt
- Poetry Flash: “The Enemies of Glass” review of Margaret Hoehn’s Five Prayers of Apples
- Poetry Flash: Remembering Walter Pavlich & The Spirit of Blue Ink
Susan Around the Web
- Poetry Flash -Tom Goff reviews Durable Beauty
- Vox Populi Psalm for Sunrise
- Vox Populi The Parting
- Verse Daily Diane Arbus: Two Ladies at the Automat
- Vox Populi Estate Sale
- The High Window UK American Poet: Susan Kelly-DeWitt
- Mudlark Poster No. 192 (2022) Audio | Poems
- Vox Populi Photograph of Your Father Sewing Needlepoint At Precinct Headquarters, 1956
- Vox Populi Autumnal Equinox
- Poetry Flash Literary Review “Chopin as Poet”
- Mudlark Poster No. 179 (2021) Economies of Being
- the Normal School, a literary magazine “Nineteenth Century Ancestral” “Map Of The Atmosphere “
- Vox Populi Ode to Brother Roach
- Clade Song 10 Elegy for a Stink Ant of Cameroon, Self-Portrait as a Green Heron
- The American Journal of Poetry October 2019 “Sentence” “Poem Built Entirely of Questions and Couplets”
- Poetry Flash Literary Review “Poem Built Entirely of Questions and Couplets”
- Mudlark Poster No. 159 (2019)
- Post Card Poems and Prose “Enlightenment”
- “What Speaks,” “Reading a Ghost’s Book Of Poems,” “Yellow-Billed Magpies,” “Love’s Animal, 1958,” “Flashback” and “Vapor Trail“
- Hospital Drive “Feeding Tube” (Contest Runner up)
- The Cortland Review “The Parting”
- Clade Song “I Ordered a Dragonfly”
- Clade Song “Sea Nettles”
- North American Review “A Visit from the Friendly Aunts”
- “Susan Kelly-DeWitt on Becoming A Poet“interview by Mary Mackey
- String Poet “After My Mother’s Death: Forget-Me-Nots,” “Pink Crape Myrtle” and “Some Say”
- KRCB-FM: WordTemple Audio – Susan Kelly-DeWitt, Francisco X. Alarcòn – November 20, 2016
- Poetry Now Review: Spider Season by Susan Kelly-DeWitt
- The GHAZAL Page “After the Black and White Quilt Show”
- Canary “Cherries, 1960”
- Poecology: Issue 5 “Death of a Flowering Pear”
- Postcard Poems and Prose “Drought Song”
- The Wayfarer “Pear Blossom and Cherry Blossom after Mandelstam”
- West Trestle Review “Farmer’s Market September 16, 2001”
- “Morris Graves: Bird Singing In The Moonlight”
- Cha: An Asian Literary Journal “Two Geishas on an Anonymous Print, 1923” and “Light-Keeper’s Song”
- Ted Kooser’s American Life in Poetry “Apple Blossoms” from To a Small Moth
- Levure littéraire “Resurrection Lilies,” “The Thorne Miniatures: English Bedchamber,” “The Thorne Miniatures: English Bedchamber,” “Do You Ever Have This Feeling,” “Blue Crows,” “Street Musician,” “The Crickets,” “Modersohn-Becker: Girl With Stork,” “The Letter”
- Yoga Stanza Virabhadrasana I + Susan Kelly-DeWitt “Credo” from The Fortunate Islands
- Flash Fiction World “Bring Me the God of Mrs. Garcia”
- Project MUSE “Whiskey Nights,” “Narcissus,” “Resurrection Lilies Lycoris squamigera“
- Women Write Resistance “Pomegranates”
- Alimentum – The Literature of Food “Kettle””
- PoetryMagazine Features Selected by Andrean Zawinski
- Hip Pocket Press “Windmills at Alta Mont Pass”
- Munyori Literary Journal “Sonnet”, “The Reliquary of St. Therese of Lisieux Comes to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament”
- Buddhist Poetry Review Issue Five “Cells”, “Fog” and “Medicine, 3:00 A.M.”
- The Poetry Foundation
- Sacramento Press “Poets of Sacramento”
- Susan Kelly-DeWitt reading from The Fortunate Islands YouTube
- Susan Kelly-DeWitt YouTube “Gatherer’s Alphabet”
- Mudlark No. 33 (2007) “Contents” fromCassiopeia Above the Banyan Tree
- Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac“Bypass ” from Greatest Hits 1983-2002
- Verse Daily “The Spider ” from The Book of Insects
- Weber – The Contemporary West “Jeffers at the Edward Weston Show,” “Egrets at Bolinas Lagoon,” “Morro Bay Sketch”
- Mudlark No. 38 (2009) “The Limbo Suite”, “Nurse”, “Doll”, “Elegy”, and “July Sunset”
- Switched-on Gutenberg Issue 16 “Bird”
- The International Literary Quarterly ” Feeling Cowed By Language In The Night, “”O’Keeffe’s Jack-in-the-Pulpit II,” “Rembrandt’s Late Self-Portraits
- “Coal Hill Review “Imagining Emily Dickinson in 1852,” “Sewing Box,” “Sacred Love”
- A Journal of the Built & Natural Environments “Walk to the Farmer’s Market,””Gravitational Tug,”
- The Montreal Review “Fate,” “Urban Pastoral,””Song Sparrow”
- WordTemple on KRCB-FM Podcast: Susan Kelly-DeWitt reads The Fortunate Islands
- The Cortland Review Issue 54 “When We Arrive Together In That New Country”
Selected Blogs by Susan Kelly-Dewitt
- “Levertov” from Coal Hill Review, Nov. 13th, 2009
- “Merton” from Coal Hill Review, Jan. 22nd, 2010
- “Thinking About Irina Ratushinskaya” from Coal Hill Review, Feb. 12th, 2010
- Coal Hill Review